Our classic flannel lounge pants and comfortable cotton shorts. Perfect to kick back and enjoy the evening.
7 products
Heritage Black Plaid
Heritage Maroon Plaid
Navy/Columbia Plaid
Navy/Silver Plaid
Royal/Silver Plaid
Black/White Buffalo Plaid
Red/Black Buffalo Plaid
Purple/White Plaid
Royal/Black Buffalo Plaid
Navy/Gold Plaid
Charcoal/Black Buffalo Plaid
Heritage Carolina Blue/Green
Crimson Field Day
Natural Indigo Metro
Orange Field Day
Black/Gold Plaid
Heritage Hunter Plaid
Heritage Garnet Plaid
Green Oxford Buffalo
Oxford Red Tomb
Kelly Field Day
Heritage Navy/Orange
Black/White Plaid
Red/White Plaid
Green/White Plaid
Charcoal/Lavender Tomb
Maroon Plaid
Red/Black Plaid
Brick Red Kingston
Burnt Orange Kingston
Oxford Heather/Navy Kingston
Oxford Heather/Royal Kingston
Autumn Buffalo Plaid
Our popular flannel pants along with their lighter weight friends. Get comfortable and stay relaxed with our men's loungewear.